Epilepsy Surgery

Epilepsy Surgery

We run a comprehensive epilepsy surgery programme for medically refractory epilepsy. Medically refractory epilepsy means any epilepsy which has not responded to adequate dosage of two antiepileptic drugs for a period of two years.  This criteria is not strict for pediatric epilepsy and we offer corrective surgery in first year of life itself for pediatric epilepsy surgical syndromes. Approximately 30-40% of newly diagnosed epilepsies every year turn out to be medically refractory. 30% among these medically refractory epilepsies are surgical candidates.

Controlling seizures is very important in children to allow maximum brain and cognitive development. In adults with medically refractory epilepsy suffer socially/ employment wise / marriage / depression among other issues.The preoperative evaluation includes clinical evaluation by the epileptologist, VEEG, MRI brain, PET scan brain, neuro psychological evaluation. With these basic tests most often we are able to pinpoint the source of seizures in the patient’s brain. After appropriate discussion in our epilepsy management group we offer surgical remedial to these patients.

The epilepsy management group includes:

  1. Dr. Sujit Kumar , Epileptologist
  2. Dr. Ravi Mohan Rao, Epilepsy surgeon
  3. Dr. Sharath Kumar, Neuroradiologist
  4. Dr. Shivanna, Anesthesiologist
  5. Dr. Ajith, Intraoperative Neuro Technologist
  6. Mrs. Mamatha, VEEG Technician.